What is HRV? Does is work the same on wearable device like it works on the Doc.s?
These days, people are paying attention to an interesting marker - heart rate variability (HRV) , at least those who are interested in monitoring their own or their clients’ sleep, recovery, performance or overall health. Many professional and consumer wearables list HRV as one of the markers that they measure on sports, wellness and performance. To get to know how HRV data perform, they should understand the basics of the phenomenon. Check out HRV scores mean here.
Without diving too deep into the science of HRV, this article will discuss HRV from a practical perspective: what it is, why it matters.
What's HRV?
Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is the physiological phenomenon of the variation in the time interval between heartbeats. Simply HRV is the beat to beat alternations in heart rate, and it’s best used during a rested state. The time between beats is measured in milliseconds (ms) and is called an “R-R interval” or “inter-beat interval (IBI).”

(source: from internet)
Unlike your heart rate, which you can calculate by counting your pulse, heart rate variability (HRV) is measured at the doctor's office with an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) test that records the electrical activity of your heart. Heart rate variability (HRV) measures the specific changes in time (or variability) between successive heart beats.
Check out DT28 smartwatch with ECG detection here: DT28 ECG watch
HRV in wearables
Here, we’d like you to pay attention to, that most of the widely available wearable devices use PPG or photoplethysmography to detect the heartbeat optically measuring the wave of blood flow, for example from the wrist, and then calculate the inter-beat interval or IBI. Like DT58, which uses PPG to measure HRV.
There’re different technologies of the principles of measuring HRV and different HRV variability, if you want to dig deeper or you want to know accurate results about your HRV status, we suggest you go to conduct a doctor.
Why HRV is expected?
When it comes to your health, it is now easy to measure and track all kinds of information. In the comfort of a simple wearable gadget on your wrist: you can check your blood pressure, number of steps, calories, heart rate, and sleep. Why should you check your HRV? Let’s see what health experts and institutions say about it.
"HRV is a very good measure of the efficiency and performance of your cardiovascular system,” John P. Higgins, MD, MBA, a sports cardiologist at McGovern Medical School at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston.
“Heart Rate Variability is THE most important health tracker you’ve never heard of” – Women's Health Magazine
“Heart Rate Variability is the most important parameter for the exact assessment of the functional vitality, of health and well-being.” – Report on HRV by Dr. Kai Boenart & Dr.Michael Suess of KB Institute for Life Energy GmbH (Germany)
“Heart rate variability(HRV) is incredibly useful for preventing disease and early mortality” - criticalcareassessment.com
“Those who are familiar with Heart Rate Variability (HRV) know it as the best predictor of illness and death available” - “ The Heart of Health”
“HRV is probably the strongest predictor of cardiac health, which in turn translates to overall well-being,” - Emad Aziz, D.O., a cardiologist who specializes in clinical cardiac electrophysiology at St. Luke’sRoosevelt Hospital in New York City
Now you have a simple understanding of What exactly is HRV and why it’s important to our health. To know more about what HRV can do for us, check out our new article.
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