I love to share my story of cooperating with DTNO.1 since the company helps me strengthen my smartwatch business in Morocco. My name is Khalid. I started my smartwatch business in 2019 when I saw smartwatch has become one of the most popular gadgets among youngsters. I opened my first smartwatch store in Casablanca, and now I have 3 smartwatch stores thanks to DTNO.1 helps me to expand the market in my region.
Khalid in one of his stores
I often browse videos on youtube to refresh my knowledge of the latest smartwatches on the market. And my story with DTNO.1 began in 2021. One day in January, when I was watching videos on Youtube, a live stream was pushed in my page, introducing a new smartwatch from DTNO.1 by then called DT36. The beautiful look of the smartwatch caught my eyes immediately, and its plenty of good features were all that people could find in an affordable smartwatch. My intuition told me this smartwatch was about to become a hit very soon.
I opened the DTNO.1 official website right away to learn the specification of the smartwatch. Beautiful appearance, clean finish, and comprehensive features, DT36 really became a must-have product in my eyes, compelling me to ring my contact in China who became my purchasing manager afterward, Mr.Wu. He has been in the digital device industry for more than a decade, and shared with me that the company, DTNO.1, was a new force in the smartwatch market producing reputable smartwatches, and growing fast in recent years. Then I asked him whether he could help me to know more about the company by visiting its headquarters. As he also had interest in the smartwatch industry, Wu was willing to cooperate with me. The headquarters of DTNO.1 is also in the Chinese technology harbor, Shenzhen, which made the get-to-know process much easier.

Khalid and his customer
Although I’d never been to China, it didn’t stop me from knowing the company well. Wu represented me to visit the DTNO.1’s headquarter in Nanshan district, Shenzhen. During his visit to DTNO.1, I joined it by having a video conference with him, and saw the company from my eyes.
Before joining the visit, I thought DTNO.1 was just a small company, however, the fact proved me wrong. The company has its own development and research teams ranging from product structural design, chip development, software development, and app development, to hardware development. Moreover, DTNO.1 has three mass production factories, one of which located in Shenzhen had been inspected by Wu, meanwhile, I was also joining via video conference. The nifty factory manufactured smartwatches efficiently by strictly obeying the SOP process. The competent research and development teams and well-organized factories won my trust, leading us down to the business.
One of DTNO.1 intelligent factories
DTNO.1 designated a salesman to discuss the detail of the cooperation between us. I decided to be an agent of DTNO.1 in Morocco after I learned the agent policy, in which the company offers lots of benefits to its customers, such as the priority in shipment, the lowest prices of products, the latest information of products and the maket, etc.
Nonetheless, those prorities were not the main reason that I chose DTNO.1 at last, as many other brands would provide me with similar benefits. The advantage that really sets the company apart is they can provide marketing support to its agents, which enticed me. I owned a small smartwatch store by then and ran a online store. A supplier who can help us to do the marketing materials like posters, product animation saves me a lot of money and time to ask someone else to do the job. The beautiful marketing materials they provided us did bolster our sales and entice much more traffic to my stores. Apart from that, with the adequate experience in the smartwatch insdustry because of having been in it for more than a decade, DTNO.1 can provide us with marketing campaign strategy fit for my region, helping me to expand my market share.
Thanks to the marketing support from DTNO.1 that has been being providing to us non-stop, my smartwatch business is growing fast. My second and third stores opened consecutively in one year. The last but not least, DTNO.1 and I stepped up the level of cooperation that we decided to start a subsidiary of the company together in Casablanca, with my connections in the local and the capital from DTNO.1.
DTNO.1’s subsidiary in Casablanca was under construction
DTNO.1 helps me expand my business in my region. And my escalating influence as an agent of DTNO.1 gains the company a good reputation as a reliable smartwatch brand in return. So it’s a win-win cooperation between us, leading the business into a positive cycle loop.
I am firmly sure that we will continue the cooperation as long as possible, as I see the company is really doing the right thing that they let more people on the planet enjoy the smart wearable technology by the means of producing the best and most affordable smartwatches. And I believe that no matter whether you are rich or poor, technology as a shared advantage owned by the whole human society should take everyone no different to serve. I would like to see more people could join us in this big agent family, let’s make the world a slightly better place for our offspring.